Friday, June 26, 2020

Soil Hill & Whiteholme

Spent the last couple of days rising early for my Soil Hill visit in the hope of experiencing some of the crazy finch migration currently on the East Coast. Sadly not to be, with just a single Siskin on both mornings.
This Great-spotted Woodpecker was nice though, a dispersing juvenile from Ogden I guess. My 92nd species on the Hill this year.
-Great-spotted Woodpecker
After seeing records of an unuseasonal range of wader species across inland north sites today, I also headed to up to Whiteholme during this mornings rainstorm. Sadly not to be. Present were a single Ringed Plover, single Redshank and 2 Dunlin. There was also a single Wheatear.
These three monstrosities were still there. I don't know enough about domestic ducks to put a name to them unfortunately.
-Duck sp.
Also a Hummingbird Hawkmoth and a Black-tailed Skimmer at Whiteholme. Unsure of the latters status in Calderdale.


Peter Smith said...

From I think the ducks are Khaki Campbells. Several years ago there were up to four of these at Ogden. Like all domesticated ducks except Muscovy, their ancestry is Mallard.

Phil Wood said...

I was going to suggest "Lunch", "Dinner" and "Saturday Night Takeaway" for the ducks' names...

We occasionally get similar on the Calder and Rochdale Canal in Todmorden, I seem to remember posting a similar query a few years back.

AndyC said...

Black tailed Skimmer have been recorded in the Green Withens Clough area so probably a small population up there...As will all Dragonfly species in Calderdale they are very under recorded......great record...Hummingbird Hawkmoths are recorded every year in small numbers this is the second one this year.....