Tuesday, June 09, 2020


Juvenile Dipper from the Luddenden Valley yesterday afternoon still being fed by the adults. A good show of juvenile Grey Wagtails as well with their adults
Also earlier in the day an adult  Dipper just upstream from North Bridge. Grey Wagtails there too.


Steve Blacksmith said...

Great picture Dave, and good to know we have Dippers and Grey Wagtails near the town centre.

David Sutcliffe said...

Yes Steve. The water where it emerges at Dean Clough does not smell brilliant but they seem to manage in that area and down towards North Bridge towards Siddal.
We walked the stream side from Goitside to Luddenden and I was surprised to notice quite a lot of elms growing out from the streamside wall. I guess they are remnants from previous elms that suffered from D.E.D.