Thursday, June 04, 2020

Oats Royd

I went down there this morning in the hope of Yellowhammer but there was no show. Several Willow Warblers, Common Whitethroats, Bullfinch, Linnets and Long-tailed Tits plus a few other local species. A pair of pipits gave me the runaround constantly landing in the tops of hawthorn. The hope of Tree Pipit was soon dispelled  though it was still nice to find a pair of Meadow Pipits feeding young.

I was just about to head back up the hill when a falcon appeared from the direction of Bradshaw. A Hobby, catching and eating insects as it flew above and beyond me. I was unable to determine adult or immature as it was always in silhouette and I couldn't get colour though I did manage a few distant shots once the camera locked on ! It flew off in the direction of Shibden Head.
An adult was also seen earlier in the day over Northowram (AC).
Great birds to see though they usually just whiz past !

As I left, around 30 Swifts appeared over AmblerThorn. These seem still to be in low numbers locally this year though SB reported up to 30 over Sowerby Bridge yesterday late afternoon.


AndyC said...

Nice pics Dave..
Mine went like a rocket low over the cricket pitch..turned and flew up towards Shelf roundabout where it landed on the pylon for a minute before heading off..must be the same bird.


Bradshaw Rambler said...

Great bird and great to get photos, too.
Nice one.

Dave Brotherton said...

Great bird to spot Dave and some pics to boot in bad light, not easy as they're a bit wick, well done.