Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunny Day

The weather today has been a long time coming, love being up on the moors in weather like this. Went up to Warley Reservoir to catch up on the Scoter, fortunately the boaters had driven it into the edges so close views wee possible - a belter.

Followed that with a visit to the overflow, nine twite turned up. Do they come down when seed is being put out? I stood there for 20mins or so and was joined by three groups (3,2,4), they sat around at close quarters singing and displaying. When I left they took off as though there was no point in hanging round if there was no food on offer.

Headed down into the vally and found a single pinkfoot with the Canada's at Mytholmroyd, just checked my records and there was a single bird there on 18th April last year.

Great afternoon


David Sutcliffe said...

As far as I know seed has been put down twice this week. We have a problem in that the Canadas and Mallard are also very fond of Nyger seed and ahve been feeding in this area - not sure how to get round this?

Jim Welford said...

They were sat on the fence around the outfall, that makes a small enclosure that the geese wouldn't get into, vegetation a bit long there but just a thought.