Thursday, November 29, 2007


I would welcome some advice on the best way to set up a website to showcase my photography.

Having lived in Yorkshire for more than half my life now you will understand that the cheaper the better.

Having risen from my death bed today in a manner of which Lazarus himself would have been proud I spotted a female Reed Bunting on top of bush in a neighbours garden, also present from the kitchen window 3 Greenfinch, 2 Magpies, Robin, 2 Collard doves, 2 Blue tits and several corvids passing over fields in front of the house.


Goldon Gordon said...

You cannot have caught the bug off Sue or me as we both carried on working throughout with no death bed scenes involved :-))

As a suggestion on costs of such a site(I know sod all about the technicalities). I host my webshop in Germany using a site called The lady who built the site is an Austrian married to a German mate of mine and she put me onto the cheap web hosting in Germany. I basically get unlimited webspace for £48 a year. Bandwidth is unlikely to be a problem as you are unlikely to get enough hits to cause a problem (I get around 2000 hits a day with no extra cost).

As an aside to how we get ripped off in the UK for webspace and servers. I had a problem downloading backups of my shop and when I told Karin she told me my download speed of 20MG was too slow ! I told her this was the fastest you could get in the UK and costs me £37 a month. She uses a German company , gets 2GB !!! download and it costs around a tenner a month. As usual we in the UK get the shit end of the stick for prices :-((

If you don;t get anywhere with advice on building a site using front page or something similar I will give you the phone number of my mate Ian Kimber who runs the UK Moths website as he builds sites for a living and can probably advise you.

Ian Scott said...

If you want something simple to just show your photos then you might want to consider a dedicated photo site.

I started using flikr, which has the advantage of being free. I found it a little lacking in presentation facilites and seems to be aimed at a more casual (youtube) type of user.

I'm currently using zenfolio, which costs between £10 and £20 a year depending on exchange rate and which option you go for. There is a free trial available so you could try it and see.

If you want to compare, my links are: