Friday, March 02, 2018

Mixenden Reservoir

Freezing conditions and a strong easterly wind this afternoon. Thought I'd give it a try as some of the best birds turn up in bad weather. I wasn't disappointed !

3 Dunlin by the inlet at the north end was a real surprise. They were, at first, right on the edge of the water under a ledge of snow and I could easily have missed them. They are very scarce in Calderdale in winter though over the years we have had one or two records, usually in bad weather. I can recall a find by NK at Ogden on Christmas Eve a few years ago 24th December 2009. That was a very confiding bird right down by the duck feeding area.

Nice to see Dunlin in grey-ish winter plumage with a clean white belly as when seen in summer they are much browner upper plumage with black belly patches.

I only had the bridge camera today and didn't get too close so as not to disturb them feeding on the snow line and waters edge. I left them at around 15:30 though BS hot-footed it there shortly afterwards - but they had gone. Problem at this site is that regular disturbance soon displaces the birds. Bad luck Bri.

Also on the reservoir
A good count of 44 Mallard sheltering under the embankment
4 Cormorant
21 Canada Geese
1 female Goldeneye
1 Moorhen
c60 Black-headed Gulls
c10 Common Gulls
Nothing found in the plantation - everything blown away !!


Bradshaw Rambler said...

Cracking birds for Mixenden - well done Dave.

Brian Sumner . said...

An amazing find and photos Dave. I dont think I,ve ever had a Dunlin in that pale winter plumage. Just the boost we needed during this weather blip. Thanks for the call once again, I seem to spend half my birding life dashing to Mixenden for one of your finds.

David Sutcliffe said...

I was 'slufted' that they'd gone when you arrived Bri. It's just not fair !!

Yes - 'crackers' John. These freezing cold easterlies have to bring something else in. It's just finding it/them.

Brian Sumner . said...

Birding is rarely fair Dave but the main thing is you made the effort getting out there and spotting them otherwise they would have gone through the area unseen. He who dares.
Makes you wonder how much we miss.

AndyC said...

Big invasion of Woodcock , Fieldfare on the coast and a lot of waders turning up inland Knot etc...WT Eagle in Lincs.....get looking....

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