The CBCG has discussed the new Local Wildlife Sites system at a couple of meetings and via emails and has made recommendations re the criteria to be used to designate important local sites. Following on from this the criteria have now been finalised and there is the opportunity for sites to be put forward.
The guidelines and criteria can be found at
At first glance these can appear quite daunting. A suggestion is that the best way forward is for people to suggest sites they consider to be of great bird interest and worthy of conservation, these can then be assessed using the criteria. Please note, there is no point suggesting sites that are already LNR, SSSI or SPA as these will automatically qualify.
One way that a site can be judged is by scoring species present using the values given in the guidelines, if the total comes to more than 15 (or >=12 if the community value can be argued) the site will be designated. An example of a site not yet designated is Ringstone.