Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cold Edge

This afternoon we went to monitor butterflies in the 2km square above Cold Edge. We wern' t expecting much as the afternoon was quite overcast at first. We were surprised to find 50 or more butterflies on a patch of nettles/thistles and other weeds etc. They were on a small area of rough land just 50 mtrs up the road from the former Withens Pub opposite the communications mast just behind the wall.

They were mostly Small Tortoiseshells along with Peacocks, Red Admirals, Small and Green-viened Whites, Meadow Browns and at least 1 Comma and 1 Small Copper nearby. Well worth a visit if you can pick a nice warm afternoon!

The downside to the afternoon (for a Wheatear anyway) was near Cold Edge. As we were watching a Sparrowhawk take a long fast glide and chase low over the field it 'hit' a Wheatear on the ground. The Wheatear momentarily escaped but the hawk took it in an instance at the second attempt. 2 Kestrels chased in to take the prey but the Sparrowhawk saw them off and took the Wheatear into the trees to devour. 'Nature red in tooth and claw'.


Jeff Cox said...

A good afternoon for you Dave and a thrilling episode with the raptors and Wheatear.

There were plenty of butterflies around this morning on my walk - Meadow Brown, Wall Brown, Speckled Wood, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell and Green Veined White. Possible Small White but couldn't confirm. Not in a small area like those you saw though!

Steve Cummings said...

Good to hear Small Coppers are turning up in various places...being a BAP species. I've been filming them on Tag Loop (White Clover) and Jay house Lane (Creeping Thistle), and Oxenhope Station (Heather). Still need Red Admiral and Wall for Calderdale.