Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Soil Hill

  It has been a sluggish start to the Soil Hill autumn, with low migrants and shocking weather. Still, that was all forgotten about this morning when I added species number 125 to my Soil Hill life list with a cracking Reed Warbler at the bottom of the North Slope.

  The bird was typically elusive, but would occasionally show quite well, but only briefly meaning it was almost always too quick for my camera, with just a single reel of blurred photographs to show for it. It called occasionally too, but it was still difficult to keep track of where exactly the bird was at any specific time. 

  Otherwise just a low number of other migrants. Tree Pipit continues to be the saving grace of this autumn with four flying south or dropping in this morning. The first Snipe movement of the autumn was noticed this morning, with three flying southwest. 

-Reed Warbler
-Tree Pipit

In total managed 38 species this morning, the full list here;

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