Thursday, August 01, 2024

Gulls from Nick....

Any thoughts on these quite distant shots from Nick taken in mid/late July on the roof of the water board building at Pellon res'r. Adult Herring Gull on the first picture then possible Adult Yellow-legged Gull on the other shots - comments welcome.


Peter Smith said...

The head and bill profile look to me like Caspian gull? The tarsus with the pale roof flashing behind it looks fairly dark.

Peter Smith said...

Where is everybody? Birders who know a lot more about Caspian Gulls than I do?

Peter Smith said...

It seems that many Caspians have grey legs, and that when legs are yellow this is just a dull yellow - very different from the bright yellow of Yellow-legged.

darrell j prest said...

not the best photos but looks very yellow legged like

Mick C said...

Except for first photo not identifiable for me, except I don't believe any photos show a caspian of any age. However, is the top bird really a different individual. It looks to have immature marks in tertials and poss dropped p6 n 7: no white tips. The out of focus bird isn't an ad for me as it also seems to show brown in tertials and bill yellow similarly v bright. Why not same bird with structure affected by movement blur? Just a thought. I wasn't there of course.

Mick C said...

Also, leg shank came colour. Not sure yellow is feet or eg a bag