Thursday, August 15, 2024

Soil Hill

  Yesterday morning I stumbled across at least two but possibly three Sedge Warblers in the same area, a location I normally don’t check intensively due to its proximity to the quarry works. The birds being together like this could suggest a successful breeding season on the Hill, but it's hard to be sure. Earlier in the spring a Sedge Warbler was singing on the 3rd May, but sadly I had to leave the following day and have only been able to commit a few days to the Hill during the summer when I would have been able to check. On the 8th May NK reported the bird still being present, so certainly held territory for a week. If the bird did move to the area where I found the birds today, then it could explain how they managed to evade all detection. 

  In addition, there were a few other nice birds to give it a classic Soil Hill autumn feel. Three Tree Pipits flew south during the two hours I was there. Other migrant totals were eight Willow Warblers, one Chiffchaff and eight Whitethroats. Whitethroat numbers were boosted by family groups rather than migrants and peaked at 14 individuals earlier in the week.  

-Sedge Warbler

In total managed 36 species this morning, the full list here;

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