Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mixenden Res'r etc...

A poor day today though I gave Mixenden a chance to turn something up in the blustery, wet, North Easterly!
1 Great Crested Grebe
2 drake Tufted Duck
As expected in these conditions a good number of hirundines were feeding over the water with c80 Swallows, c40 House Martins and 1 Sand Martin but no Swifts

Fly Flatts (very poor visibility)
1 Oystercatcher
2 Curlew
c40 Canada Geese

Withens Head
1 Blackbird feeding young
3 Redshank
2 Curlew
6+ Lapwings and 1 large chick seen
Plenty Meadow Pipits carrying food

1 comment:

Brian Sumner . said...

Strange how Fly Flatts has suddenly lost it.