I guess this is Nick D and Steve C this afternoon on the ridge, just right of the mast, looking for the 9 Snow Buntings still there today as reported from BS this morning. Digiscoped from my front window 3.2 miles away (5 km)in Lee Mount! Shame the Snow Bunt's aren't a bit bigger as they would be a nice tick from my front room!!!!
Looking forward to your photo's Nick or footage Steve.
Yep....that's us.........Nick on the left taking stills and me on the right filming some very obliging Snow Bunts. Counted 8 coming out of the long grass and 8 flying back in just before we left around 3.30 ish.
Darn cold up there today. I had thermals, t-shirt, fleece, TNF down jacket, JP camo hunting jacket, Thinsulate hat under Davy Crocket hat and Climatec gloves but still managed to leave most of my fingers and toes on the hill.
Worth it though!
Glad you got them Steve, seemed a strange place for them in that grassy corner.
Good photo Dave, better watch who I take up on the hill with me!
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