1 little owl at the end of Long Lane, Southowram. 1 or 2 are seen regularly at this spot (reported by Nick Walsh).

1 redwing in the field.
30 jackdaws together.
This is the blog for bird sightings and related news in the Calderdale area. It is generally updated daily. Any non-member wishing to report and post sightings should send them to info(at)calderdalebirds(dot)co(dot)uk
Thanks for the Little Owl record Ian and Nick - I assume it was the Barrowclough Lane end.
It's the other end at the junction with The Crescent.
Nice Pics Ian - have a good Christmas!
Thanks, im going to visit tomorrow lunchtime weather dependant! Is there a particular building it sits on?
Andy, it's the outbuilding in the field almost opposite the junction with The Crescent.
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