Seen from Beacon Hill (Southowram) heading north along the edge towards Queensbury at around 12:30 pm today. Probably going to Soil Hill!
This is the blog for bird sightings and related news in the Calderdale area. It is generally updated daily. Any non-member wishing to report and post sightings should send them to info(at)calderdalebirds(dot)co(dot)uk
Brilliant record and photos, well done Ian!
great shots
Stonking photos Ian, wish Id been up Soil Hill dipping on the Black Redstart.
Thanks very much. I almost missed it myself. I was on the way back down and ran into a friend just before going into the trees. As we were chatting I happened to look back to the beacon and spotted it.
Fantastic Ian - well done fortunate you had your camera handy! Great record. Good time for Ospreys in next week or two - September 5th last year 2 went through Ogden and one over Soil Hill.
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