Just thought I'd let you all know we returned safe and sound from our visit to Malta, unlike this unfortunate Honey Buzzard.
Although despite birds still be shot on the island we do feel we have made a difference and feel the trip was a success.
A raptor count of 12 different species were seen during the week, mainly Honey Buzzards and Marsh Harriers but also Lesser Spotted Eagle, Booted Eagle and Osprey to name just a few.
In all 60 species of birds were seen, to put this into some sort of context Malta only has 15 breeding species.
This fight to stop illegal hunting is far from over but things do seem to be heading in the right direction.
We have all come back and are wanting to do more to help, as a result we are aiming to raise money and sponsorship for supply of Optics to Birdlife Malta in order that they can loan these to the ALE (wildlife crime police).
If you want to know more please feel free to contact me.
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