Friday, October 04, 2024

Soil Hill and other updates

 An interesting couple of hours on 'the hill' this morning. Not a lot on the top other than 2 Snipe flyovers and 6+ Meadow Pipits, a Kestrel, 7 Red-legged Partridge and a few Common Gulls.

The north slope and tree lined gully were a little more interesting though, as expected, no sign of Sundays Yellow-browed Warbler. It was nice to find 3 Stonechat, 1 Reed Bunting, 2 Chiffchaff and a number of Goldfinch along with a Moorhen on 'the pond'. Good to head back up the slope with NK who later on found a Whinchat just above the Ned Hill track. I missed that one but found a nice Wheatear in the YW field along Ned Hill Road.

No sign at all of any visible migration.


A scarce bird today for Calderdale nowadays. From JJL with a drake Pochard at Ringsone. Some nice photo's on Johns blog.

Checking the big gull roost at Fly Flats early evening NCD and RA managed to find 5 adult Yellow-legged Gulls, with a Little Egret dropping in towards last light.

1 comment:

Daniel Branch said...

That Wheatear is a cracker Dave!