Thursday, October 03, 2024

Just a flavour of recent news.!

We don't get very many reports of Great White Egret in Calderdale even though they are reported fairly regularly from some other sites in West Yorkshire. Of great surprise therefore was 8 - yes 8 found at Ringstone (DF) on the morning of 22nd September. They didn't linger and moved on around 09:40. A quite exceptional record.

A Little Egret was also seen near Copley on Friday 27th September (CS)

Skeins of Pink-footed Geese were being reported over Calderdale from 9th September with good numbers on the move mostly in a westerly direction though some later ones were easterly bound. In the last week or so the numbers reported have tailed-off though there could be more any time now. day or night.

A few Swallows are still around, possibly with a few House Martins though now mostly on the move. Swifts and Sand Martins are well gone. Chiffchaff's are still being reported as well as a Blackcap yesterday (PB) from Luddenden Dean and there is still time for some Wheatears.

A scattering of winter visitors has appeared in the last few days with a Redwing being reported from Slack Top (SiB) and then c10 in Luddenden Dean (PB) yesterday as well as others from Sowerby (MB). At least 24 Redwings were over Ogden this afternoon with 14 Mistle Thrush, a Song Thrush and a few Blackbirds making the most of rowan berries (DJS). Goldcrests also seem to be arriving in suitable locations including Cromwell Bottom (KC) and Luddenden Dean (PB).

It is well worth listening out for more Redwing flocks. Try after dark and with decent hearing they may well be heard passing over. ! (sorry don't think I can add the call on here)

Also from JM - a local Tree Sparrow ringed by SD in May 2019 is still going strong at one of our sites. Now aged 5yrs and 4 months. Amazing considering the average life-span is 2 years.

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