Friday, September 27, 2024

Soil Hill

 Despite the poor weather of the last few days, the Hill has still hosted a few interesting birds worth reporting here. 

  Today, despite the gales, saw a Red Kite drift over heading SE. The birds progress was slow as it drifted from Thornton Moor Reservoir south, eventually cutting directly over the North Slope. In addition, there was a single Wheatear on Taylor Lane and two Golden Plover flew over heading SE.

  Yesterday there was a break in the weather enough to give the bushes on the Hill a good check, and this produced a immature Whitethroat at the bottom of the North Slope, which is my second latest here after last years October bird. Additionally, there were two Wheatears around, as well as four Chiffchaffs.

-Red Kite

In total managed 29 species today, the full list here;

In total managed 41 species yesterday (26th), the full list here;

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