Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Soil Hill

 Winds finally switched from east to WNW this morning, so was able to get up to Soil Hill and not have to deal with fog and murky conditions. Although there were no numbers of birds on VizMig there were a few notable species during the three hours I spent on the Hill between 07:30 - 10:30.

  • The morning's highlight was a Great Egret that flew north at 09:40, coming up the Ogden valley and continuing northwards towards Keighley. This is a full patch tick for me, my 127th species on Soil Hill. Possibly one of the eight Great Egrets seen at Ringstone by DF on the 22nd.
  • A Cream-crowned Marsh Harrier flew southeast at 09:10, tracking from behind Thornton Moor Reservoir, and passing over towards Bradford. It is possible this bird never made it into Halifax airspace, as it must have been very close to the border as it passed over Keelham.
  • The only species that passed over in any numbers this morning was Common Snipe, with a record total of 24 birds either going SW or dropping onto The Shay. These were complimented by the first Jack Snipe of the autumn, which flushed from the usual location at the bottom of the North Slope. Three Golden Plover that went south were the only other waders on offer. 
  • The migrant species selection was limited to just two Chiffchaffs in the North Slope Tree Line. 

-Great Egret
-Marsh Harrier
-Common Snipe

In total managed 39 species today, the full list here; https://ebird.org/checklist/S196311736

Trektellen count here; https://www.trektellen.org/count/view/767/20240924

1 comment:

David Sutcliffe said...

Not a bad morning !!