Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Brent Geese

19th March, 3 Pale Bellied Brent Geese at Fly Flats found by BS is only the second Calderdale record. Also had a first summer Red Kite over twice.

1 comment:

AndyC said...

Its the first record of Pale bellied Brent Goose in Calderdale and the second record of Brent Goose , a really excellent find, Pale bellied Brent geese are very rare inland and a lot rarer than Dark bellied Brent geese. There are very few Yorkshire records of inland Pale bellied Brents . A lot of inland records are of birds flying over and are not always identified to sub -species level and just go down as Brent Goose.....it really was a great find. Well done Brian Sumner for identifying them as Pale bellied brents..