Friday, April 29, 2022

Soil Hill & Whiteholme Reservoir updates from the week

A few highlights from the past week from these two sites. 

Soil Hill

-Jack Snipe flushed at the bottom of the North Slope on the 25th
-Male Whinchat on the fence-line surrounding the NK Pond on the 29th 
-At least 2 Grasshopper Warblers reeling on and off since the 23rd

Other birds of note include a pair of Grey Partridge along Taylor Lane on the 27th. Also 2+ Jays blogging, Lesser Redpoll flew north, as did a single Sand Martin. On the 26th a male Bullfinch was along Taylor Lane. At least six Willow Warbler singing by the 29th, as well as at least 2 Whitethroat.

-Jack Snipe

Whiteholme Reservoir

-On the 24th at 07.55 an Arctic Tern flew slowly NE, struggling into the wind
-An hour an a half later at 09.34 a BAR-TAILED GODWIT flew quickly through also heading NE. Differing extents of the white on the coverts indicates this is a different individual to the one found at Ringstone shortly after.
-A pair of Shelduck dropped into the reservoir mid-morning on the 25th

At least one Dunlin has been around on and off during the week, as well as a Common Sandpiper and 2 Ringed Plover. On the 25th a pair of Goldeneye were on the reservoir, and a Jay flew south over Byron Edge. On the 28th two drake Goosanders flew over heading east. 

-Bar-tailed Godwit
-Arctic Tern


Peter Smith said...

Hi Daniel. I'm glad you're back, and logging interesting birds.

David Sutcliffe said...

A very good start to your return Daniel.