Wednesday, December 09, 2020

more ‘pinkies’ etc

Soil Hill 
Late morning 18 Pink-footed-Geese >W at 12:05 high over the mast towards the wind-farm.
Lots of Common Gulls in the surrounding fields
1 Meadow Pipit
1 Kestrel
15 Fieldfare

100 + pinks >W over Ovenden 12:00 (JS)
60 pinks >W over Northowram 13:05 (AC)

Swales Moor
37 Lapwings in fields along Ringby Lane this afternoon and not a lot else other than corvids and Common Gulls.
4 Meadow Pipits

1 comment:

Bradshaw Rambler said...

Missed you and NK both up there this morning.
Tough going...
I'm relieved in a way that neither you or NK managed a Mega up there this morning.
Selfish or what!!