Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Green Withens Res'r (and Pink-footed Geese)

 Went to check for the recent Water Pipit again. AT had the same idea so we checked the usual expected locations up there without a show. A lot of activity around the boat house looked like a team checking the premises and having a tidy up so no birds around there.

We came away with - not much... 1 Red Grouse, 2 Carrion Crows, c6 Mallard and a Dipper but it was a pleasant morning to be out in the fresh air.

Two flocks of Pink-footed Geese reported >>W today with c50 over Wainstalls around 15:45 (AR) and 154 over Lower Gorple mid afternoon (AC NCD). It's always handy to get a photo (if possible) of any 'pinkie' flocks as was the case with the 154 - a count off the photo later gives a reasonably accurate count. Hopefully more flocks in the next few days to round off a very good autumn for the Pink-footed Geese over Calderdale. Thanks for all the reports.

1 comment:

Brian Sumner . said...

Think that Water Pipit has got you beat Dave.