Saturday, February 22, 2020

Annual Species Champion

This trophy was the inspiration of Gordon going back as far as 2003. Thank you Gordon for the update of the trophy with the annual champions engraving and to Nick for keeping a check on the annual totals and ensuring there validity !

The latest recipient for 2019 with 142 species in Calderdale is Andy - well done Andy !

Thus far there has been  6 individual winners (AC, JB, SG, DJP, DJS and DF)
The lowest year maximum was 129 species and the highest 149 from DF in 2014.
Yearly average 136.7

Who's up for it in 2020 ??? for the Double-headed Eagle to grace your trophy cabinet...


AndyC said...

A great way to see all four corners of Calderdale ,, Tree Sparrows and Yellowhammers in the east and Harriers and Owls on the hills ,,,well worth a go......

Dave Brotherton said...

Good idea