Saturday, February 13, 2016


Early one morning over the past week I was watching out of my bedroom window and could see at least 15 Blackbirds in and around my garden eating the seed I had scattered on the floor.  I do tend to get a lot this time of the year but think that 15 must be the record

Still on Blackbirds, I work in HX town centre and coming out for lunch recently there was a Blackbird perched in a tree behind the Bowling Alley belting out the most beautiful song.  I stopped to listen to him for a few minutes while everyone else carried on around me totally oblivious.


AndyC said...

These large groups of Blackbirds are a mix of our local birds and ones from continental Europe. I have added a link from tweet of the day about the song...I stopped the other morning before first light and listened to one belting it out..fantastic way to start the day...

David Sutcliffe said...

Great singers Vicki. If this cold weather persists you might even get a few more in the garden. We have only had up to 5 maximum this winter in the garden but going back a few years in a very bad wintery spell we got up to 21 feeding on apples, raisins and Quaker Oats.