Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ring-necked Parakeet


darrell j prest said...

mmm i think any yorkshire records should be escapes, i think london has the only large breeding population?( though dorset and south manchester have a small population) so how would you work out if one was from london or a shed down the road?
i saw one near spurn back in the late 90's but it was proved to have escaped locally.

AndyC said...

I think there are quite a few in manchester now as well as a few other small populations the next breeding atlas will show a big increase and many turn up on vis mig sites(unless DEFRA shoot um all
they will increase)

darrell j prest said...

my own view. is they should only be counted from sites with a healthy and established population,any sightings away from these sites cannot be proved to be self-sustaining/wild.
though if a population in manchester increases then later one becomes established in say the leeds area then a review is needed.

on a similar note can pheasant be counted in known gamekeeping moorland? how do we know they are a breeding population when they are bred in the area for shooting.
its a interesting disscussion and one that should be addressed
personally i think rock dove should be removed from the calderdale list as they are so far removed from the true wild rock dove. it makes no sense to count them as true rock doves
interested to hear other birders views

AndyC said...

Red legged partridge,Mandarin Duck,Egyptian Goose ,,all a bit dodgy also i had a beautiful male Red Crested pochard at triangle a few years back,,but when you live in calderdale you got to clutch at straws.....

AndyC said...

Eagle Owl no theres a talking point........