Saturday, March 24, 2012

Repairing and Reinforcing

To stop your nestbox being raided by squirrels you first need a step ladder (we didn't have anything bigger and would actually recommend something much longer).........

You also need a cordless drill/screwdriver........
But when that doesn't work either because you can't reach or the screws just won't play then we recommend you use a Manchester screwdriver............
Then add a few trips, slips and falls stir with a degree of micky taking for 5 hours and you end up with this...................
Finally do a little dance of celebration............................
before taking a team photo next to the last box thats been upgraded..............................


Jeff Cox said...

...I wish we'd had these instructions before we started!

Nick Carter said...

Good work chaps, sorry I couldn't be there.

David Sutcliffe said...

Well done you guys, you will make the Scouts yet! Nice one with the face plates as well.