Sunday, January 29, 2012

Whooper down the pub

To add to Andy's post - another boat owner said the bird arrived about a week ago but was pure white then, but it is very grubby now as you may be able to see from the pics. It is feeding well and looks strong so hopefully it is fully mobile. No rings visible on its legs.


David Sutcliffe said...

Well done Andy/Jeff to get down there so quickly (or were you in the pub next door)!!
Nice shots as well.

David Sutcliffe said...

Wonder if it is picking up some surface oil as it feeds if it's in the vicinity of moored boats?

Andrew Huyton said...

They were my thoughts as well Dave, there was a very bedraggled looking Mallard on the other side as well. Only hope it's not having too much of a damaging and lasting affect on its feathers, one to keep an eye on and maybe give a rescue centre a call if needs. Boat owners said it has taken to the water and not always sat in the vegetation on the edge of the canal but have never seen it do any wing flapping. On the positive side the bird didn't do any preening whilst we were there which suggests it's not too concerned about it's own condition.