I frequently visit this area along with a nearby sewage plant (see Green Sandpiper comment) and as far as I am aware no other birders of either Halifax or Huddersfield origin visit the area (Grid Reference SE165218).
The area is not easily accesible but is situated between the River Calder and the Calder and Hebble Navigation and is in the main an area of immature damp woodland.
At this time of the year Little Grebe, Cormorant, Goosander and Grey Wagtail are seen daily on the River Calder along with occasional sightings of Kingfisher.
I have covered the woodland area extensively over the last three weeks with regular sightings of Redwing, Goldcrest, Treecreeper and Siskin.
Having visited the area six times since just before Christmas I have flushed Woodcock three times and more interestingly viewed a solitary Willow Tit (amongst a mixed tit party on both occasions) twice.
Any Halifax birders who may wish to visit the site would be well advised to park in the lay-by nearest the derelict farm building on Lower Quarry Road and then walk across the railway line towards Bradley Hall Farm.
On a completely different tack my garden is currently host to 3 male and 1 female wintering Blackcap
Have there been any Yellowhammer in this area.?
None at present, my first sighting last year was on 19 Feb when 3 males appeared.
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