Walked from Gorple Car Park to Upper Res then over top to Widdop 9am-1pm.
Quite large numbers Canada Goose at all 3 res, only 1 brood of chicks seen at each.
2M, 1F Tufted Duck on Gorple Lower, also 2 Oystercatcher which flew off towards Walshaw Dean.
Good number of Curlew on tops, disturbed by a deer at one point!
Kestrel mobbed by pair of Grouse.
Pair Stonechat above Widdop, 1 C Sand at Widdop Res.
Willow Warbler, Goldcrest in plantations.
Male Blackbird feeding at Upper Res - flew in from Burnley direction.
Grey Heron in stream by car park.
For a more interesting sighting this morning, email NC.