Sunday, June 13, 2021

Soil Hill & Whiteholme Reservoir; updates from the week

There were a few highlights from what was a typical early summer week of birding, especially in warm, generally still conditions. All the migrants remained present, including Blackcap, Willow Warbler and Whitethroat. 

Soil Hill 8th June
-A RED KITE flew south distantly over Denholme Velvets. It was moving slowly but I had to take my eye off the bird to get my camera, and subsequently failed to pick it up again. Given the pace of the bird it almost certainly landed somewhere, but in the hour I waited it did not reappear.
-3 Sand Martin flew south

Soil Hill 9th June
-On Taylor Lane there was a NUTHATCH! Only my third sighting of this species here. It was very vocal, before flying north towards perseverence road.
-A RED KITE was soaring distantly over keightly, before drifting slowly east. It was very very distant and not in the Calderdale area.
-Red Kite

Soil Hill 12th June
-A Cormorant flew west, distant to the north of the Hill
-2 Sand Martin flew south

Soil Hill 13th June
-A Siskin flew north over the North Slope

Due to the time of year I only made a single visit to Whiteholme this week, and it was as quiet as expected. There were five Oystercatchers together, which is my highest count of the spring, but otherwise very quiet. Just two Dunlin were present. 

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