Monday, September 28, 2020

Soil Hill

This afternoon - how warm was that ! After such a cold day yesterday and a cold start today the warmth took me by surprise. It was nice though. It's not often like that up there.

Ned Hill Road
No sign of the recent Black Redstart though there was a Wheatear in the same area and 8 Swallows for a short while over the farm buildings. 2 Rooks with around 20 Jackdaws by the old farm machinery in the field off Taylor Lane and around 40 Meadow Pipits. Green Woodpecker heard, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, c18 Linnets and 8 Goldfinch flyovers.

The mast area had a pair of Stonechats along the wall.

North slope - quieter - 2 female type Tufted Duck and a Moorhen on the NK pond, 3 Wren, 1 Robin a Pheasant an a few Mipits. The best bird up there was a lone Coal Tit heading towards the summit.

Earlier in the day no sign of Redwings moving over Swales except for just one heading >SE


Bradshaw Rambler said...

Nothing moving early doors from my 1hr garden watch this morning Dave.
(I thought, with the good cloud cover, I'd be able to pick something out!)
Fantastic year for Stonechat by the looks of things... the weather went strangely warm this aft.

Daniel Branch said...

Nice one with the Tufted Ducks Dave. I've only ever seen one up there before which was a fly-by. Be interesting to see how long they linger on there.