Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mixenden Res'r

It was good to meet up with BS this afternoon and check on the G N Diver which is still there. The weather was quite misty with light drizzle so we didn't find a lot else other than Woodpigeons heading to roost in the plantation and 3 Chaffinch flyovers.
9 Herring Gulls headed through towards Mount Tabor. The other B H and Common Gulls were heading in the other direction towards Ogden.
We both heard 2 Curlew like calls but didn't see anything in the mist and were not 100% sure if wasn't someone's dog whistle!!!


Brian Sumner . said...

As always, good to meet you Dave and compare notes.
Shame about the weather

David Sutcliffe said...

I think that Curlew call was genuine!