Sorry I couldn't get a better shot of this Redstart heading into the nest box to feed it's young this afternoon!
Well done to those who put nest-boxes up last year in the hope of Redstart or Pied Flycatcher - at least we got one success.
This is the blog for bird sightings and related news in the Calderdale area. It is generally updated daily. Any non-member wishing to report and post sightings should send them to info(at)calderdalebirds(dot)co(dot)uk
This is excellent news, success at last, hopefully there is more to come! Special thanks must go to those involved especially Matt who has driven this project.
Both parents were still frantically feeding at 7:30pm last night. If anyone does visit the site, please give them a reasonably wide berth.
Interestingly, they are nesting in one of the boxes we marked down in the recent survey as needing repair! It shows how much we know.
Yes, well done Matt and the other nest box people. It's hard work in gardens, and in natural places it must be even tougher.
Makes you wonder, though, how many other Redstart pairs there might be in Calderdale. There must be others, statistically, if one has been found. Surveys are never assumed to have found 100% of a population.
Wood Warbler. Have we had our first zero count of Wood Warblers so far this year?
No wood warblers at I'm afraid. But as I always bang on about, one of the biggest rarities in Calderdale is birdwatchers. I strongly suspect you're right - we will have many more pairs of redstarts.
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