LRP flew past - 2 others seen gathering food.
3 groups of common sandpiper with young.
2 twite.
Skylarks and meadow pipits.
4 wheatear.
2 curlew.
This is the blog for bird sightings and related news in the Calderdale area. It is generally updated daily. Any non-member wishing to report and post sightings should send them to info(at)calderdalebirds(dot)co(dot)uk
That's a great shot Ian - especially when doubly clicked! Keep them coming.
Well done with the Wheatears especially with them still there. The rest seem to have just moved through and we don't seem to have hardly any breeding pairs these last few years compared with say 10years or so ago!
hi dave have ringed six at whiteholme 3 in the last week 2 showing good brood patches
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