Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sparrowhawk Nest

Sorry about that last cock up, the keyboard fell off my desk and posted the Sparrow Awk message ! Can you remove the mistake Matt please ?

What I had meant to say is I have had a Sparrowhawk nest under observation this week and watched both birds adding sticks to the nest this morning. To whom do I send details of where the nest is for the records ? I obviously do not want to post details on the blog but should anyone want to look at the nest at some point I will give out directions if this is acceptable, not sure if this is the done thing with nests or not ?


Matt Bell said...

I've removed it.

Nick Carter said...

We know this blog is accessed by Falconers (one of them has told us) so it would be better not to post details such as site location on here.

Goldon Gordon said...

Hi Matt/Nick
Thanks for the removal of the awk !

Nick I had meant to say I would give directions offline to someone via an email or phone call. I had no intention of posting details on the blog. I was just not sure if even giving directions to nests to individuals was the done thing ?

Nick Carter said...

Personally I would prefer to leave breeding birds "to get on with it" without any form of disturbance but there is a school of thought that says as long as people obey the law and don't cause any disturbance or draw attention to the site (ie don't do anything to put the nest under threat)occasional visits aren't seen as too much of a problem. If this were considered I feel it would have to be controlled, I wouldn't want people going on a daily basis for example - the welfare of the birds MUST always come first (IMO)

Goldon Gordon said...

Hi Nick
I do agree with your thoughts on this but I did not want to be seen as not sharing info via blog members. In this instance I would prefer a couple of people to know where the nest is and visit it regularly as I am likely to have left the area before too long and certainly before and chicks are fledged.

Nick Carter said...

If anyone does decide to monitor the nest I'm sure the BTO would welcome a completed nest record card.