'Continental' Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis - juvenile.
The bird does not look bulky (on average P. c. carbo is heavier), and the diagnostic feature for determining subspecies can be seen in these photos: that is, the rear edge of the yellow gular patch drops vertically from the gape (in P. c. carbo the rear edge slopes forwards below the gape).
Intermediates do occur, but most closely photographed birds can easily be assigned to subspecies, and it is surprising that this is not done more often. With their differing structure and breeding distribution (typically, carbo - coastal, sinensis - inland), the two subspecies could become full species one day.
And it was nice to see 4 trout about 20cm long in the beck. The fish in the photo is identified as Brown Trout by the red spots on its side (Rainbow has only black spots), and by the lack of Rainbow's tail spots and pink lateral line.