Also, Teal 1 pair
This is the blog for bird sightings and related news in the Calderdale area. It is generally updated daily. Any non-member wishing to report and post sightings should send them to info(at)calderdalebirds(dot)co(dot)uk
Little Owl
Closed Hazel catkins. Each catkin consists of 240 male flowers. They will ripen and release pollen in February.
Yesterday I saw the first Kingfisher I've ever seen on the Calder in the centre of Todmorden. It flew upstream past the bus station as I was passing on the adjacent footpath. Thinking it might perch in one of the trees overlooking the river just N of Stansfield Road I retraced my steps but to no avail. The river is culverted at Wellington Road just N of here, so where it went is a bit puzzling.
However, while looking for it, a small brown bird shot off the concrete bank, which my wife confirmed as a Dipper when it flew past her - she'd sensibly stayed downstream near the market.
Today, another Dipper sighting at the Wellington Road bridge over the Calder - it had been perched on the river level monitoring equipment case, and rather oddly flew off high over the adjacent houses.
A stunning adult male Black Redstart turned up in the clough this morning. Well done JM and thanks for the photo.