Saturday, June 21, 2008

Callis sewage works

Feeding during the first shower of rain at 12:45. Minimum counts of:
- 275 swifts
- 180 house martins
- 20 swallows

Also, woodcock still roding on dry evenings this week at Jumble Hole.


Sandra said...

My husband keeps a few of his bee hives on the sewage works land. Wonder if the hirrundines take some? I'm sure he wouldn't object to that!!


Matt Bell said...

I'm sure that hirundines would take a bee or two in the course of their feeding - I know for sure that flycatchers do. What on earth are the bees feeding on down there though? Himalayan balsam is all I can think!

Sandra said...

Bob says - yes, they feed on the balsam but also blackberry blossom, heather and there are lots of gardens down there to keep them going. Last year he had a bumper honey crop but most of that was collected from the heather when he took them up on the moor above the Crags. The year before they ignored the heather and came down into the valley for the balsam, hence he couldn't sell it as 'heather honey'. Little monkeys.