Saturday, September 01, 2007

Osprey Over Halifax

Seen from Beacon Hill (Southowram) heading north along the edge towards Queensbury at around 12:30 pm today. Probably going to Soil Hill!


Nick Carter said...

Brilliant record and photos, well done Ian!

S Gray said...

great shots

BSUMNER said...

Stonking photos Ian, wish Id been up Soil Hill dipping on the Black Redstart.

Ian Scott said...

Thanks very much. I almost missed it myself. I was on the way back down and ran into a friend just before going into the trees. As we were chatting I happened to look back to the beacon and spotted it.

David Sutcliffe said...

Fantastic Ian - well done fortunate you had your camera handy! Great record. Good time for Ospreys in next week or two - September 5th last year 2 went through Ogden and one over Soil Hill.