Saturday, September 08, 2007

Elland Gravel Pits - yesterday 4:00pm

A quick visit whilst passing

1 chiffchaff
1 GS woodpecker
1 little grebe
1 moorhen
2 kingfisher in reedbed, 2 on canal (same birds?)
3 mallard
2 very bold mink on towpath (which could explain the general lack of birds!)

1 comment:

Goldon Gordon said...

Hi Matt
Up from Elland Gravel Pits I have cage trapped and shot 27 mink in the last 10 months or so. The angling club trap the fishing lake constantly and last year trapped and killed 91 mink. I volunteered to trap near Rawsons pool on the canal as I want the mink to get a quick clean death by shooting rather than the usual drowning most trappers use.

I think the mink at Cromwell Bottom have driven out the Stoats & Weasels I used to see in the area.