Wednesday, September 30, 2020


First thing in search of yesterdays  15 Crossbills. They took a bit of finding, up near the 'Giant's Tooth' area though I kept hearing their calls.  They eventually showed but I only got them in flight. At one point they landed in the heather briefly and then returned to the plantation. This happened several times and I suspect they kept getting 'spooked' by a Sparrowhawk. I left them around 10:20 after 14 headed off over Ovenden Moor as the rain started and I lost them from sight. Not sure if they returned or not (?) JJL followed me up but think he missed out.

On the way up I came across a good number of birds in the clough immediately to the east. Including c30 Redwings, Goldcrests, Treecreepers, Great Spotted Woodpecker along with Blue, Coal and Long-tailed Tits but no sign of any Great Tits ! 2 Ravens along with other corvids and a Sparrowhawk.

Not many moving birds - 4 House Martins >S,  5 Mistle Thrush >E, 1 Buzzard >N

1 Great Crested Grebe on the reservoir.

Giant's Tooth just had some dental treatment adjacent to Ovenden Moor

1 comment:

Bradshaw Rambler said...

Well done locating the Crossbills Dave.
Went straight there to avoid the rain..
I had been at the 'tooth' for 10 mins when my telling bone interrupted the job!!
Just 2 Swallows seen on Ned Hill on the drive home.
Might try tomorrow.