Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Linnets Wanted

I have a pressing need to film some Linnets for a project that I'm working on.
Unfortunately, the site I had in mind for setting up my hide is currently somewhat devoid of Linnets. I have just spent a fruitless day under canvas at another site where the only 3 birds present decided to forage in the fields rather than come down to the lovely Nyger seed that I had spread in front of the camera for them.
I'm looking for a location where there are more than just a couple of birds, where the birds are regularly coming to a particular location, and where it's possible to get up close and personal - hence the hide. They are generally too flighty to get close up to without any some use of cover.
Any sugestions would be appreciated - even outside Calderdale.......but not a hotel complex in Fuertaventura (even if they do perch on your lens there, they are a different sub-species).

1 comment:

Steve Cummings said...

Thanks to Peter Gould for the Mixenden tip. Sadly, no birds present when I visited.
Only 1 pair at Cold Edge on Saturday, but a flock of c. 80 kicking around Soil Hill on Sunday. Unfortunately they are very flighty and tend to disappear into the runnels in the topsoil making filming incredibly difficult. No point baiting them with seed here as they are surrounded by food.