Friday, October 09, 2020


This afternoon we took a walk up to 'The Tooth' and a nice surprise awaited as we got towards the top. We picked out a red male Crossbill perched in the very top of a Scots Pine and then found 3 more female/juveniles in the adjacent tree. We suspected there were more - well hidden in the pines. Not long after, in total, 18 flew over our heads towards Skirden Clough. 

Just the small camera with me but the photo of the red male is not good enough to post !

4 Stonechats on a fence on the edge of Ovenden Moor and a single Goosander high >SW - they are such streamlined birds in flight and move like a jet !

Not  a lot else other than a Grey Wagtail near the duck feeding area.

The bird of the day must be the Osprey over Mytholm Steeps / Colden Clough this afternoon (AM)


Bradshaw Rambler said...

Well done it was a tad rough up there.
Hope we can get a decent photo soon, or in my case, actually see one of the blighters!!
Good to see that they are hanging around Dave.

David Sutcliffe said...

Isn't it a 'lifer' for you John ? Good luck.

Bradshaw Rambler said...

Yes it would be a lifer Dave.