Saturday, September 05, 2015

Meadow pipits..???

Is it me or are there very few Meadow Pipits on the move this year,??? At this time of year I would expect to see and hear them all the time , but I have had only a handful so far this autumn,>??


David Sutcliffe said...

Not just you Andy. There are non about but they must be on their way somewhere. Perhaps this cooler northerly will spur them on this week. (?)

AndyC said...

Strange not to hear them at this time of year,,,,,

Brian Sumner . said...

Same up here Andy, they should be trickling through nicely now and building up to a peak at the end of the month. Trektellen reports are the same.

Dave Brotherton said...

A few up Soil Hill and Fly Flatts today

Bradshaw Rambler said...

20 or so Mipits at Oats Royd Bradshaw area tiday.