Saturday, February 07, 2015

Jumble Hole

I looked out this morning to see what at first I was convinced was several very large flocks of geese, each in a neat 'V' formation flying east down the valley towards Hebden. I grabbed the binoculars and discovered they were actually 'long winged' gulls (too far away to get a definitive ID - what is most likely?). There was a procession of 15 flocks in total, and a total number of over 900 birds by the time they'd stopped.

At dusk, I got a new tick for the garden as a grey partridge flew past and landed in a field next to the house.


Mike Stead said...

Not sure about your gulls, Matt.
I'm hoping though that I can now post again, thanks to your latest invite.
I've had lots of complications with my gmail account/password !

AndyC said...

Herring Gull,,,I had 38 over Northowram today .

Matt Bell said...

Cheers Andy. I suspected they had to be, but didn't get a positive ID.

David Sutcliffe said...

I missed them Matt think probably to the south of me. Just 1 ad Herring Gull >E over Mixenden was all I got. Unusual to get the big gulls>E - must be heading back to Europe? !

David Sutcliffe said...

Lesser Black Blacks could be another possibility in with them as they return early on from west Africa. BS had a flock of 38 yesterday east

David Sutcliffe said...

18 lessees for BS east yesterday

AndyC said...

Mine were going west..??

Matt Bell said...

I've looked on trektellen and local bird group websites, and hardly any LBB gulls were moving, whereas there was quite a few flocks of Herrings on the move on Saturday. Also, even though they were distant, I still think they had more characteristics of Herring.