Sunday, June 20, 2021

Soil Hill; updates from the week

A quiet week generally, with nothing of real note until the 20th. The first migrant fledglings started to appear, with both Willow Warbler and Whitethroat juveniles observed. Blackcaps were still present until the 18th, but not subsequently. On the 16th two Sand Martin flew south.

Soil Hill 20th June
-A smart RED KITE flew low over the Hill before heading north, persued relentlessly by corvids. 
-Two House Martin flew south
-I counted 56 Swift blogging over towards Thornton Moor Reservoir, which is the first time I've seen any kind of numbers build up this year. 

-Red Kite

Also nice to find three Southern Marsh Orchid dotted at points around the hill. Can't recall finding any last year, so maybe a nice addition to the flora of the Hill. 

-Southern Marsh Orchid

1 comment:

Peter Smith said...

Nice photos of the Kite. There are some Southern Marsh Orchids at Cold Edge Dams also.