Thursday, May 31, 2018


The 2016 - 2017 Bird Report is now out, at the moment you can only pick one up from the GO Local store at Woodlesford News, Pellon or from Dave Sutcliffe or me. With it being a double report it will cost £6.50 to buy, but its full of goodies including 4 new species for Calderdale in 2017. I would like to thank all those who contributed to it by sending in records, photos or articles and especially to Dave Sutcliffe and John Marsh for their help with the publication side. There are only 60 copies so if you want one get one soon. For the last two years the bird club has made a loss in profits so all the help is needed to keep it going in the future, Thanks very much Nick D.

1 comment:

NTBR said...

Well done Nick. I appreciate your hard work with this.