Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Withens Clough - 25th February

An interesting afternoon despite the stiff breeze there was plenty to keep our interest with 16 species.

On the water - 1 drake Goldeneye, 9 Mallard and a pair each of Goosander and Canada Geese. 
4 Curlew flew straight through >E above the water, a very welcome sight.

Elsewhere around the site 5 Reed Buntings and Chaffinch's around the lodge feeders with 11 Stock Doves nearby, 2 Pied Wagtails and 2 Mistle Thrush

The banking below the res'r had 4 Stonechats feeding together along the fence line. Two more Stonechats  were down in the clough below the car park.

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